;;; trivial-sockets.lisp - borrowed/forked from http://CLiki.net/trivial%20sockets (in-package #:c-struct) ;; you're using a part of the interface that the implementation doesn't do (define-condition unsupported (error) ((feature :initarg :feature :reader unsupported-feature))) ;; all-purpose error: host not found, host not responding, ;; no service on that port, etc (define-condition socket-error (error) ((nested-error :initarg :nested-error :reader socket-nested-error))) (defun resolve-hostname (name) (cond ((eql name :any) #(0 0 0 0)) ((typep name '(vector * 4)) name) (t (car (sb-bsd-sockets:host-ent-addresses (sb-bsd-sockets:get-host-by-name name)))))) ;; Steps involved in establishing a TCP "server" socket: (i.e., listening) ;; 1. Create socket; in C on Unix, use socket() system call. ;; 2. Bind socket to an address; in C/Unix, use bind() system call. ;; (INET domain sockets require an IP address number and port ;; number, which may be and 0 as wildcards.) ;; 3. Listen for connections; in C/Unix, use listen(). ;; 4. Accept a connection; in C/Unix, use accept(). ;; (This typically blocks until a client connects; in C/Unix, ;; use select(), but CMUCL and SBCL both use an event system. ;; After all, Lisp predates Unix.) ;; 5. Send and receive data; in C/Unix, use recv() family of calls. ;; (These effectively allow nonblocking i/o via polling.) ;; Differences for a UDP "server" socket: ;; Omit step 2 because datagrams are connectionless, so nothing to bind. ;; But don't worry: should you forget, you'll an OS error. (defun open-server (&key (host :any) (port 0) (reuse-address t) (backlog 1) (type :stream) (protocol :tcp)) "Returns a server socket" (let ((socket (make-instance 'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket :type type :protocol protocol))) (when reuse-address (setf (sb-bsd-sockets:sockopt-reuse-address socket) t)) (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-bind socket (resolve-hostname host) port) (when (eq protocol :tcp) (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-listen socket backlog)) socket)) (defmacro with-server ((socket arguments) &body forms) `(let (,socket) (unwind-protect (progn (setf ,socket (open-server ,@arguments)) ,@forms) (if ,socket (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-close ,socket)))))