Chronology of what was authored in the year 2018
Ever wonder where cats go or what becomes of them?
Elegant concepts explained within a modern classic book become divorced from its guidance, and efforts at getting a mundane item such as a book returned further echo how one might miss the bigger picture.
Getting into Natural Language Processing can be a steep learning curve, whether talking about Linguistics, modelling, software design, operations, etc. To that end, this may help others who are where I was roughly two years ago regarding that journey:
People understand text from writings and conversations, but this can be difficult for computers.
This explains how the technology of Natural Language Processing works by building upon what you already know.
It assumes only that you are able to read an English language document.
This gets progressively deeper into useful methods (and ultimately deploying into production, for those so inclined). Go as deep as you like. Annotated references at the end are intended as a jumping-off point for learning more, doing more.
Perusing just the Annotated References will help get you from zero to full deployment in production, yet reading the whole document will help you get the most out of that short list of NLP resources.
When starting a new business with an on-line presence, these are things to consider even if your website offers little more than being a shingle or sign in front of the front door.
Consider this the least you need to know and do— as part of doing business today.
From this starting point, you will be better informed for hiring the right person to suit your particular needs, should you delegate each and every piece.
This is an iterative process, meaning that you will probably go through this checklist multiple times, as one piece feeds into the next yet becomes informed by steps much later in the process.
Hatha Yoga practitioners often conclude their session by uttering namaste.
Reading commonly used explanations for its meaning, you might find "I bow to you" and perhaps a reference to each component from sanskrit being nama as "bow", as as "I" and te as "to you".
However, those are mere transliterations— too literal.
Consider various forms greetings within English speaking cultures: a wave of the hand, a handshake, a hug, a kiss. Each conveys some connection albeit on a spectrum indicating some level of emotional distance or intimacy.
Similarly, bowing as a more formal gesture is but one type of salutation. Bow is taken too literally by the oft cited translation from sanskrit.
A solar storm is the common name given to a range of events emanating from the Sun. One is a coronal mass ejection.
Here's a list of resources regarding the different types of solar storms and cosmic rays.
Includes general information, physics perspective, historical details, impact on health and remedies.
Appearing in the twilight sky, a spaceship hangs low and looks as if designed by a student for homework. It comprises simple additives geometry of spheres, cylinders and cubes that were only rotated and scaled on various axes but otherwise not deformed or using any other custom shapes.
It appears as if having been painted using a toon shader plug-in to a cheap 3D modelling program.
My mind perceives it as almost translucent and seems close enough to touch if only this railing extended a little further from the tiny rooftop deck.
My wife says, "You see it too?"
Quoting, "I want to believe," so I reach. My fingers feel nothing but air.
"If a space alien were to land and say that no more flies should be killed, would you honor that request?"
"That's an appeal from authority and would be a logical fallacy."
"Perhaps this being knows something that you don't."
"Then he or she or it can explain why."
Winston has an adventure through a maze-like building, experiences anomalies along the way, feels compelled to enter what seems like a hotel room but concludes it's more than he anticipated.
His day only gets weirder from there.
This is speculative fiction— meaning not quite sci-fi as the technology referenced actually exists, according to those claiming to be in the know. The fictional part is the use of that tech for the particular purpose indicated here.