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Ruby - what Perl5 should have been

The author of Ruby freely acknowledges that he borrowed heavily from Lisp. To many, Ruby is what Perl5 should have been. According to stories about the Perl6 developers, there is a "ruby-meter" by which they measure new features.

Ruby links:

Info: Ruby Home Page
Try ruby! (in your browser)
Book: Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide
Building web sites: Ruby on Rails

Ruby Class and Library Reference
Ruby programming language -- Wikipedia
RAA - Ruby Application Archive
Library (
Application (
RubyForge: Welcome
RubyGems Manuals - package manager
Ruby Code & Style - magazine
Emacs and Ruby

Content on this page last updated 2006-11-26; URLs verified 2006-06-10

Site maintained by Daniel Pezely every now and then